Mobile Manipulation Tutorial

Additional resources for the (journal name tbd) Mobile Manipulation Tutorial (MoManTu)

Welcome to the Mobile Manipulation Tutorial (MoManTu).

This is the webpage for the tutorial in the (journal to be announced). Find the overview paper here (link to open access paper provided once it is accepted) and the detailed tutorial here (dito), while the code is hosted on

The tutorial is still under development! Please use with caution.

The tutorial teaches how to program a mobile robot with a robot arm to do mobile manipulation. The example systems are a Fetch robot and a Clearpath Jaca with a Kinova Jaco attached - see the image below.

MoManTu Robots
Figure 1: The robots used in the MoManTu: Fetch and Jackal + Kinova
(top left and right) and their simulated versions below.


The tutorial is developed by the Mobile Autonomous Robotic Systems Lab (MARS Lab) and the Living Machines Lab (LIMA Lab) of the ShanghaiTech Automation and Robotics Center (STAR Center), School of Information Science and Technology (SIST) of ShanghaiTech University.

We welcome comments, suggestions and potentially even code contributions to the tutorial. Please see Getting Help to contact us.

Below two videos show the demo on a real and a simulated Fetch robot:



The easiest way to get started with playing with the tutorial is to use the provided Docker image.

To pull the docker image and run the demo use:

docker run --name momantu -i -t -p 6900:5900 -e RESOLUTION=1920x1080 yz16/momantu

Then open a VNC client (e.g. RealVNC) and connect to The workspaces are located in the root folder and ready to use.

Run MoManTu

Launch the simulator and the MoManTu software by running this command in the terminal:

roslaunch fetch_sim demo.launch

The pose estimation module based on NOCS, which runs under a conda environment of Python 3.5. Activate the environment and launch the object pose estimation module with:

conda activate NOCS #activate environment
source ~/nocs_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch nocs_srv pose_estimation_server.launch

Finally, launch the flexbe_app and robot_server node to connect other modules and start the demo:

roslaunch fetch_sim robot_service.launch


The sources for the MoManTu are on GitHub:

The MoManTu Fetch demo is found here:

The MoManTu Jackal Kinova demo is todo.

Online Packages:

Role Package URL
Localization AMCL link
Local Costmap ROS Navigation link
Path Planning ROS Navigation link
Path Following ROS Navigation link
Arm Control 1 kinova_ros link
Arm Control 2 fetch_ros link
Category Detection & Pose NOCS link
Object Detection Pose (todo)
Object Place Pose AprilTag_ROS link
Grasp Planning / /
Arm Planning 1 & IK MoveIt Pick and Place link
Arm Planning 2 & IK MoveIt directly (todo) link
Human Robot Interaction 1 RViz & FlexBE App link
Human Robot Interaction 2 Speech (todo) (todo)
Decision Making FlexBE link

Offline Packages:

Role Package URL
Simulation World Building Gazebo link
SLAM 2D Cartographer link
SLAM 3D Cartographer (todo) link
Camera Calibration camera_calibration link
Camera Pose Detection AprilTag_ROS link
Hand-eye Calibration easy_handeye link

Getting Help

You are welcome to post issues on the momantu fetch repo to get help. You may also send an email to Hou Jiawei or Prof. Sören Schwertfeger.

Sensor Log

A ROS bagfile with the sensor data from a real fetch run is avaiable (3.4GB).


Please cite our paper if you use the tutorial in your research.

(bibtex citation to be provided)